Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to the First Post!

Welcome to "The Daily Grind". I named this blog mostly because I love coffee! I wanted a place to house all my various tips, tricks, and secrets to making "The Daily Grind" of life a little easier, more efficient and more fun! Everyday I will be posting a "tip of the day" so be sure to check back often.
 I have been working on the Internet for more than 3 years now. I have learned a lot about making a nice income on the Internet through writing. Currently, I write for Demand Media Studios and several other clients. I also make passive income every month through eHow. I will  be posting lots of information, tips and secrets to making money online.
  I also run a household of 5. We live in the woods and have a small 'hobby farm' with chickens, ducks, a large garden etc..and we heat our home with wood. So, I have learned a lot of tips about saving money, living on a budget and so on.  I will be posting things like: How to make your own laundry soap, dishwasher soap, how to really save using coupons and much, much more!
  Finally, we have a family computer business. We have been in business since 1985. We are one of the few smaller business' that have survived and thrived in this shaky economy. I will be posting computer tips and tricks along with secrets to being successful in business.

So, welcome to "The Daily Grind"!


  1. Cool! I love the name, too!

  2. I love my coffee, too, and I'm quite picky about the brand etc. I've not yet gotten into grinding my own beans, though. I believe those machine gadget things are pretty expensive.

  3. Oh, I will post some coffee tips too! I just recently got a french press and it is amazing! It was around $18- and it makes THE BEST coffee! Stay tuned! :)

  4. That's what I use. Think I paid a bit more for mine, but not much. I need to get a new one, as mine cracked months ago and I've been using it with a huge chunk taken out of the rim!

  5. Welcome to blogland... am coming from over at Ang's blog. I too love coffee...but am a Tim Horton's gal myself.

    Happy New Year!
